Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Chance

Came across a post on Recycled Bride (Bahaha, excuse the irony) about a bride who was left at the alter. Without warning, her fiance simply vanished, only to be heard from a week later, and two years after that attempts to come back in to the bride's life. Should she do it? Or, should she tell him where to take it?

My position is simple, we're all human, and make horrible mistakes. He claims to have bailed because of major uncertainties, and two years later feels more confident in committing to a life long relationship. So far, all of the other comments have suggested she run for the hills; but I disagree. If the groom were immature, uncertain, afraid, etc; good for him for bailing. He certainly could have gone about the whole thing in a MUCH more productive way; but before he said those vows, the words he himself wasn't sure he could commit to, he left. Again, I think it was a crappy way of handling the situation, but I do applaud him for standing up, and leaving; as opposed to simply going through the ceremony because he was expected to. How much better for them to have avoided a divorce, which would have been far more difficult to work through (what if they'd gotten married and already had kids?)

Hopefully he took those two years to really think about things, to me, it sounds like he has; and if that's the case, and the bride is able and willing to give it another go, why shouldn't she? Granted, therapy, counselling and other means of support are highly recommended for a successful reunion, but why not?

Good luck guys, I hope it works out. What do YOU think?

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