Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Beginning

I don't actually know when, or how, exactly, Lucky Lady started. Depending on how you look at it, it could have started in seventh grade, when I was stuck in home economics, sewing class, because I hadn't selected any 'cool' classes like my peers. Instead, I found a passion behind an old, moody, olive green sewing machine, with some horrible teddy bear fabric with cheesy pink hearts all over it. It really was horrible fabric, but I whipped out the first assignment so fast, I was well on my way to learning how to make a summer dress before the end of the semester. I loved it. Many, many years later, I found myself with a 4 1/2  year old and a terribly colicky newborn. After some research, and several attempts, my version of the 'ring sling' was born. Simple, incredibly simple, actually, but terribly effective. I still use the first one I made, even though I never went back and hemmed the end. That was over two years ago ;)  While carting my little, now smiling bundle around in this new contraption, I garnered a lot of interest. I started selling them. Another year goes by, and I toy with the idea of really having a home business. I sold several slings here and there, none really online, but I started thinking I just might try. I really started putting effort in to my little Etsy shop a year ago; it's taken a terribly long time to consider myself a real shop keeper. There is so incredibly much I have to learn yet; but I am so very proud of what Lucky Lady is today. We're just on the cusp of really going somewhere, I can feel it. We've spent these past six months working extremely hard to fine tune the business side of things, as well as build infrastructure, define our products, secure supplies, contacts, and so much more. Just beginning to learn the world of Blogging, along with Twitter, Pinterest, Picassa, Google +, Facebook, Instagram..... Ah! The list goes on!!! My dear husband will be joining the mix, in effort to provide our company the platform we need to really reach our potential. Until then, please do share with friends and family, if you know of anyone who'd like something only we can offer. We really do get excited over every single order. No kidding. I spent more time on a single hair flower than was necessary recently, but I was quite proud to put that one in the mail. We do that every time.  Thanks for reading :)

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